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  1. theotherwaldo

    Biden's Poison Pill Agenda.

    It looks like Biden's controllers have pretty much given up on getting him re-elected and have decided to create as much chaos as they can on the way out. International agreements are broken or ignored, internal disruptions are encouraged, food production, energy production and other industries...
  2. theotherwaldo


    It has come to my attention that paying for sex with a minor in California is now counted as a misdemeanor... .
  3. theotherwaldo

    In Praise of Mushrooms

    Among the nobles of Great Britain during the 18th and early 19th centuries there was a common term for those that gained their wealth from trade, manufacturing or other tawdry sources not related to their ancestry. That term was 'mushroom'. The implication was that the individual in question was...
  4. theotherwaldo

    Biden Keeps Changing the Rules

    Ken Patridge, the president and CEO of the McAllen EDC was on the verge of landing two multi-billion-dollar chip-related factories in his city - then the Washington bureaucrats in charge of the CHIPS Act decided to change the rules (probably to punish the state of Texas). Because of the...
  5. theotherwaldo

    White Lung

    It has come out that roughly a third of the population of China have some form of lung damage, commonly called White Lung. This disease seriously weakens the respiratory systems of those afflicted. It is the primary reason that COVID, SARS, influenza and other respiratory diseases are so deadly...
  6. theotherwaldo

    Hey Buddy, Can You Spare Nine Hundred Billion?

    Word has leaked out about why Xi lowered himself to actually travel to America. His banks (read, his country's economy) are collapsing. One bank, for example, has a note for $400,000,000,000.00 coming due that they can't possibly cover... . So Xi was over here with hat in hand, playing nice...
  7. theotherwaldo

    The JFK Assassination - 60 Years On.

    My father and I used to discuss how JFK could have been killed by someone other than Lee Harvey Oswaid. We both believed Oswald killed Kennedy, but there were so many others that wanted to see Kennedy dead, ranging from the Mafia through the Cuban refugees who lost family members in the Bay of...
  8. theotherwaldo

    Not Again... .

    Word has leaked out from China - again. It seems that they are very carefully demolishing a bio lab where they were researching certain cancer-triggering viruses... and most of the researchers came down with various forms of cancer... .
  9. theotherwaldo

    Five Hundred Million.

    The Davos crowd thinks that they need to greatly reduce the population of the planet that they plan to rule. As one of them said, "The Earth has too many useless eaters". Their plans vary a bit, but they seem to agree that they need to thin the herd to a maximum of one billion, with some holding...
  10. theotherwaldo

    Too Many Cheap Guns!

    I went to my LGS the other day. The owner was grousing about all of the folks that bought cheap guns over the last couple of panics and now wanted to sell them back for around new prices. After all they haven't been fired! And now these gun buyers find that their wages are functionally lower and...
  11. theotherwaldo

    Joe Biden: War Leader!

    Joe seems to be desperate to start as many wars as possible so that he can go into the next election as a war leader and defender of our country. "Don't change horses in the middle of a stream or leaders in the middle of a war." What was that about how Donald Trump was going to start World War III?
  12. theotherwaldo

    What About Those New Millionaires!

    Between the effects of inflation and a dramatic increase in property prices in the US, there are more American millionaires than ever. According to the Wall Street Journal, " Last week the Federal Reserve revealed that last year the average net worth of American families topped $1 million for...
  13. theotherwaldo

    The Slow Death of My Local Media

    My local newspaper, The McAllen Monitor, is slowly dying. Over the last month or so it has quit delivering copies on Monday and Tuesday. Now it is combining the Saturday and Sunday issues into a Weekend issue, The other local papers, The Valley Morning Star and The Brownsville Herald, are in a...
  14. theotherwaldo

    Beating Bidenomics

    I'm in the process of increasing my income by over fifty percent. This brings me up to a little over the amount that my buying power has been reduced by Bidenomics. Anyone else meeting success in surviving Biden's Brainstorms?
  15. theotherwaldo


    I've basically had monocular vision since a fight back in elementary school. My right eye, which had been my primary eye, took an injury which temporarily blinded me and then left that eye extremely far-sighted. Since my left eye was somewhat near-sighted, that meant that I could only use one...
  16. theotherwaldo

    What strange things have you done to stretch your income during hard times?

    Joe Biden's announcement today that he's going to run again reminded me of some of the ways that I tried to help my family during previous hard times, like the one that he wants to put us through. Here are a few of the odder ones: Recycling. I used to cruise the streets of Los Angeles in my...
  17. theotherwaldo

    And Now It's Over.

    Joe Biden has now declared the Covid 19 emergency to be over. Of course, every other government statement about this disease and the emergency that was wrapped around it has been found to be questionable, at best. Should we relax now?
  18. theotherwaldo

    Fahrenheit 451: A How-To Manual?

    As a librarian and historian, I am deeply concerned with the Left's attempts to neuter our literature. It was bad enough that they tried to ban books by Twain, Salinger and Steinbeck over terms and concepts from the past. Now they are actually re-writing stories by Roald Dahl, Dr. Seuss and R...
  19. theotherwaldo

    COVID and the Phones of China

    To be in China, you have to have a phone. If you want to buy, sell, travel, communicate or do almost anything else then you have to carry and use a cell phone. Oddly, over 200,000,000 phones dropped off of the register in the last year. That's three times the official death count. Ominous... .
  20. theotherwaldo

    Living Too Close to SpaceX

    Today ! was talking to the lady that sold the Boca Chica parcel to Elon. She is a bit annoyed with the heavy-handed approach of the SpaceX crew has toward the local animals and the environment. For example, when cleaning up after the failed launches they dragged the wreckage through the bird...